10 - Walking In Righteousness

1 John 3:4-10

August 21, 2022 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • 1 John 3:4–10

In 1 John 3:4-10, the apostle John presents a dichotomy of sorts—a dichotomy, not between deep faith versus shallow faith, or a strong Christian versus a weaker one. Rather presents a dichotomy between saving faith and non-saving faith, between a true Christian and a fraudulent one. And his takeaway is straightforward. Those saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ—who trust in what Christ accomplished on the cross rather that what they must accomplish for him under the Law—live like it. That is, they practice righteousness, not sinfulness. They love one another rather than lust after each other. A true Christian, John says, does not and will not use their freedom from the Law as an excuse to practice lawlessness.

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