15 - Pure in Christ (Part 1)

Ephesians 4:25-32

May 28, 2023 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • Ephesians 4:25–32

The Bible uses some descriptive words when it talks about our tongues. It’s described as wicked, deceitful, perverse, filthy, corrupt, flattering, slanderous, gossiping, blasphemous, foolish, boasting, complaining, cursing, contentious, sensual, and vile. The tongue is a tattletale that tells on the heart and discloses who we really are in our fallen flesh. In other words, what you are, will inevitably be revealed by what you say. Our speech, and what comes out of our mouths, is a good barometer by which we can measure our spiritual condition. Just as we are given a sanctified tongue when we are born-again by the Spirit, so we are still responsible for what we do with it. 

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