13 - The Baptism & Genealogy of Jesus

Luke 3:21-38

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • Luke 3:21–38

The Gospels offer two distinct genealogies for Christ. Matthew, in chapter 1, traces Jesus’ genealogy from Joseph—Jesus’ stepfather—back to Abraham through the line of Solomon, the Son of David, to show Chris’s legal right to the throne. Luke, on the other hand, in chapter 3 of his gospel, traces Jesus’ genealogy from Mary—Jesus’ birth mother—back to Adam through the line of Nathan, David’s other son and Solomon’s older brother, to show Christ’s birthright to the throne. This is arguably one the greatest trick plays that God ever or will ever pull off! God not only outsmarted Satan, who was determined to corrupt David's royal line through Solomon, but He proved Himself faithful to the covenant that He had made with David in 2 Samuel 7. 

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