07 - Milk, Meat, & Maturation

1 Peter 2:1-3

April 29, 2018 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

How can we know the voice of God when we hear it? How can we discern truth from error? How can we know who is saved and who might be lost? How are we to know what faithful doctrine is versus that which is false? What is the Christian’s final court of arbitration for judging right and wrong, for rebuking and correcting, for teaching and preaching, and for encouraging and admonishing one another in the Lord? Is it through the Word of God. And because that is so, Peter commands us to pursue a greater education in it; to crave the Word of God like newborn babies salivating for milk.

In this sermon series, Pastor Ronald H. Gann looks at Peter's advice, affirmation, and admonition to his scattered readers abroad.

More from 1 & 2 Peter