11 - The Ministry of John the Baptist (Part 1)

Luke 3:1-6

March 17, 2024 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • Luke 3:1–6

God did not use one of the Herods who ruled the territories in and around Israel to introduce His Son to the world? He did not use Pilate, the Roman procurator/governor who ruled Galilee, to pave the way for His Son in the world. He did not use the Pharaoh of Egypt who ruled much of the Mesopotamian area to herald His son before the world. And He did not use Tiberius Caesar, the emperor of Rome, to be the forerunner for His Son. Instead, to introduce His Son formally and officially to the nation of Israel, God chose a homeless, uncouth, unkept, politically incorrect, socially eccentric, and poorly educated water baptizer known as John the Baptist. And one word summarized his message … “Repent!” 

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