05 - Biblical Womanhood - In the Home

Ephesians 5:21-24

July 2, 2023 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • Ephesians 5:21–24

Whenever the Bible talks about a woman and her role in the home it does so almost always within the context of marriage. And that’s because the Bible assumes that little girls grow up quickly with the ambition of becoming wives and mothers, often while they’re still in their teens, leaving them little time to enjoy their singleness. And when a single girl becomes a married woman, there is one attitudinal behavior that God demands of her to be a godly wife—namely, that she be submissive to her husband, as he leads her home in godliness. A submissive wife, in God's economy, is in keeping with God’s order of the home that benefits the nuclear family.

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01 - Biblical Manhood - In General

October 22, 2023 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • Job 31, Exodus 32:5–14

Going out into the woods with your hunting buddies, putting on war paint, beating your chest, making animal noises, and telling scary stories around a campfire, might wreak of testosterone, but it has nothing to do with the biblical concept of manliness. Biblical manliness is not about machoism or even testosterone levels. It’s about personal character. More to the point, it’s about godly character that exhibits itself, says David says in 1 Kings 2:1-3, as strength of character, observance of God's requirements, faithfulness to walk in the Lord's way, and obedience in keeping God's commands and decrees. 

02 - Biblical Womanhood - In General

October 29, 2023 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • Proverbs 31:10–31

While a faithful woman may fulfill her role and calling in life as a wife and mother (two admirable offices for which the Bible has much to say) that is not a woman’s highest calling in life. Rather, a biblical woman’s highest calling—and what truly defines biblical womanhood as God see it—is her fear of the Lord. This type of woman is illustrated by the virtuous and noble woman of Proverbs 31:10-31. Moreover, like the Moabitess Ruth who trusted in the God "in whom she found refuge," a biblical woman is also a person of noble character (Ruth 2:11–12; 3:11).  

03 - Biblical Manhood - In Church

November 5, 2023 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • 1 Corinthians 16:13

According to the Tearfund report the ratio of women to men in church in America is 65% to 35%. That means that every Sunday there is approximately 28% more women attending church than men. This ought not to be. God’s wants men in His church, in the pulpit, in the pews, and on the elder board; men who have grown up, spiritually speaking, and who have stopped talking, thinking, and reasoning like children. It's high time, says the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:13, that men "act like men" and stay on alert for their families, standing firm against error or in the face of hardship, showing strength of character, and doing all that they do with love.