18 - Walking In Truth (Part 2)

2 John 1-4

November 13, 2022 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • 2 John 1–4

When Scripture talks about "walking in truth" it simply means that Christians walk in such a way that they bring their lives into conformity with God’s revealed Word—morally and doctrinally—where you hear God’s Word, receive God’s Word, read God’s Word, believe God’s Word, persevere in God’s Word, and are a doer of God’s Word. We, as Christians, are expected to stand firm in the truth of God’s Word as our standard bearer for all matters pertaining to Christian living and believing. To simplify it, however, we could say that to "walk in truth" is to know the answer to two important questions. (1) Who is Jesus Christ?; and (2) What must a sinner do to be saved?. And how once answers those two questions will determine whether they you are walking in truth or damnable error. 

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