08 - The Joy Of Sanctification

Philippians 2:12-13

August 6, 2017 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

From the earliest days of the church until today, the relationship between the power of God and the responsibility of believers to live a sanctified Christian life has been hotly debated. Some argue that living a life of holiness is simply a matter of passive trust in God. Others argue that one must actively obey God by stringent law-keeping (done in the power of one’s own strength and willpower). And still others suggest that the allusive truth lies somewhere in the middle. So, the question remains: Is the sanctification of a believer entirely the work of God alone, or does the believer play some part in it in some way.

Rich in Christology and personal application, Pastor Ronald H. Gann expounds upon Paul’s famous Prison-Epistle verse-by-verse.

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01 - Introduction: The Joy Set Before Us

June 11, 2017 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

In his prison-epistle to the Christians in Philippi (in the province of Macedonia), we learn that Paul’s joy was not dependent upon his circumstances. Although he had been imprisoned for almost four years at the time of his writing (1:18), he rejoiced always and was content in all things (4:11)—even in the face of his uncertain fate (2:17, 18). For that reason alone (and owing to the fact that there are 15 explicit references to either "joy" or "rejoicing") the concept of Christian joy is the central theme of PHILIPPIANS. How about you? Do you find joy in all things? Rich in Christology and personal application, Pastor Ronald H. Gann expounds upon Paul’s famous Prison-Epistle verse-by-verse.

02 - The Joy Of Brotherhood

June 18, 2017 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

As Paul languished under house arrest in Rome, his joy overflowed. The believers in Philippi, to whom he was writing, were a brotherhood to him. In his letter, therefore, he didn’t concern himself with his own circumstances inasmuch as he was thinking of their faithfulness. He wasn’t focused on his own afflictions inasmuch as he focused on their love for him and each other. And he wasn’t so much concerned about his own suffering inasmuch as he was concerned about their steadfastness. To Paul, the brotherhood of believers is a unique fraternity that, if honored, can bring spiritual joy. Do you agree? Rich in Christology and personal application, Pastor Ronald H. Gann expounds upon Paul’s famous Prison-Epistle verse-by-verse.

03 - The Joy Of Suffering (Part 1)

June 25, 2017 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

Paul once wrote that no matter how bad things get in a believer’s life, God can (and will) use the “bad” to produce “good” (cf. Rom. 8:28). Paul experienced this truth firsthand while imprisoned in Rome. In his letter to the Philippians (written under house arrest), the apostle expressed his joy over his difficult circumstances. But why? It’s because he saw God bring about a greater good from it all—namely, the salvation of Roman guards to whom he could preach non-stop. Are you able to see the good in the midst of your pain? Do you believe that, for believers, “all things work together for good” (Rom. 8:28), no matter what? Rich in Christology and personal application, Pastor Ronald H. Gann expounds upon Paul’s famous Prison-Epistle verse-by-verse.