Sacred Spaces (Vessel Saturday Night)

Claremore FUMC

An Earthly Ark

April 9, 2022 • Dr. Ray Crawford

The sanctuary is a sacred space for us to gather as a church and meet with God for worship. It is holy ground and a space that is set apart to meet God and to be filled by His Spirit. Similarly – God uses “tabernacles” to connect us with Jesus. The gathering of the body of Christ is a holy and sacred act in which God is present.

Better Story

April 2, 2022 • Dr. Ray Crawford

The home is supposed to be a place of blessing and peace. We can really create a sacred space in the home for our kids when are committed to be consistent in our faith between the walls of our own home. Prayer with our families and caring for people and sharing our faith in the home is important and sacred for the human family. Similarly – Jesus would visit the home of Mary and Martha and even called Capernum his “home.”

Live It Out

March 26, 2022 • Dr. Ray Crawford

It is sacred space when we create a space of love and acceptance for those in our community who are in need or lost or hurting. Being present with those in our community in an incarnational way is important to our faith. Similarly – Jesus practiced incarnational ministry by being with and loving and accepting those who were on the margins of society.

Just Pray

March 19, 2022 • Dr. Ray Crawford

The small group gathering is sacred space for learning and growing and encouraging and building up the body of Christ. It is sacred space when you gather with close friends and pray over your children together and walk through the darkness of life together. Similarly – Jesus had a close knit group of friends that he hung out with and taught. Even further, Jesus seemingly enjoyed the company of Peter, James, and John as he pulled them aside in the Garden of Gethsemane and said I need you here because I feel like I’m dying.

One Another

March 12, 2022 • Dale Brown

The small group gathering is sacred space for learning and growing and encouraging and building up the body of Christ. It is sacred space when you gather with close friends and pray over your children together and walk through the darkness of life together. Similarly – Jesus had a close knit group of friends that he hung out with and taught. Even further, Jesus seemingly enjoyed the company of Peter, James, and John as he pulled them aside in the Garden of Gethsemane and said I need you here because I feel like I’m dying.

The Table

March 5, 2022 • Dr. Ray Crawford

For the human family the dinner table is a sacred space for conversation and connection. Relatives come in from out of town to gather and eat. The kitchen is often the main design feature for new homes because of its importance as the center of the household connectivity. Similarly - Jesus invites us to the Table to receive His Body and Blood. The communion table is a sacred space for us to meet the risen Christ.