Series Title: Resilient
Sermon Title: The Speck or the Oak
Sermon Snapshot: Let me ask, how do you view people? As a nuisance, a problem, or an obstacle to tolerate in life. Or do you view them as God’s greatest and most valued creation? When we choose to look at others through a lens of criticism – it affects many things in our lives and not for the better. Join us this Sunday as we learn how to look at others through a lens of deep love and hope instead of judgement and criticism.
Resilient: The Hazelnut
March 26, 2023 • Jordan Moore • Matthew 6:19–34
Series Title: Resilient
Sermon Title: The Hazelnut
Sermon Snapshot: We have a provider. How good is it to know that though our God made us, He loves us, and He keeps us. This week we explore together Jesus's teaching on what it means to lean on our father for all we need.
Resilient Your Kingdom Come
March 19, 2023 • Travis Conklin • Matthew 6:5–18
Series Title: Resilient
Sermon Title: Your Kingdom Come
Sermon Snapshot: In the Vineyard we don’t just think it’s a good idea to believe what the Bible teaches, we believe it is a great idea to put it into practice. The words of Jesus were not meant only for our ears but also for our feet, that we might put action to them. Join us this Sunday as we talk about the Kingdom of God and how you and I can live a life empowered by the Spirit of God to do the supernatural work of God’s kingdom.
Resilient: Set Free
March 12, 2023 • Travis Conklin • Matthew 5:13–20
Series Title: Resilient
Sermon Title: Set Free
Sermon Snapshot: Part of living our most resilient life possible is learning to walk in freedom. Living a life connected to Jesus affords us freedom we could never attain on our own and as we learn to walk in this new found freedom we find life has more meaning, power, and flavor than we could have ever imagined. Join us this Sunday as we continue our message series studying the words of Jesus as he taught us to live a Resilient life full of Freedom.
Resilient: Unshakable
February 26, 2023 • Travis Conklin • Matthew 7:24
Series Title: Resilient
Sermon Title: Unshakable
Sermon Snapshot: What would you do if you were offered a chance to live an unshakable life? Well, the good news is that Jesus did just that. Jesus offered us a way to live our life so resilient that we could withstand anything that came our way. Join us this Sunday as we kick off a new series and begin to unpack 3 very important chapters in Matthew.
CCLI #48285958
Resilient: Blessings
March 5, 2023 • Jenna Kuhns • Matthew 5:1–12
Series Title: Resilient
Sermon Title: Blessings
Sermon Snapshot: GOOD NEWS: You've been blessed! Join us as we begin our journey through the Sermon on the Mount. We'll be looking at how Jesus began by giving nine blessings, and the great news is we don't have to do anything to earn them.
CCLI #48285958