

Eyes To See 1

September 1, 2024 • Pastor Carl Gallups, Joe Ardis Horn , Donna Howell

“Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it.” Luke 10:23–24

In the opening chapters of Eyes to See, you’ll journey back two millennia. Through Carl Gallups’ renowned narrative style of teaching, you’ll be placed squarely in the company of Yeshua/Jesus and His disciples. You’ll be there when He discloses eye-popping insights to those who were closest to Him. The remaining chapters will take you through one biblical revelation after another, revelations that will, at times, leave you breathless from what you’ve seen.

To this day, the entire planet is still reeling from that divinely appointed clash of the unseen realms that took place on Golgotha’s hill and at the garden tomb. That ferocious spiritual collision also foreshadowed what is yet to come…in the ultimate “day of evil.”

You’ll also understand why most of the world—along with huge portions of today’s institutional church—is oblivious to what’s taking place around them in real time. This grand, demonic delusion is happening right in the midst of the most prophetic times since the first coming of Yeshua.

But first…we have to see it.

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