Simeon waited his entire life to see his savior. Finally, the day arrived, and as he held the baby Jesus, he sang the Nunc Dimittis--a song of seeing and celebrating salvation.
Gloria in Excelsis
December 18, 2022 • Ethan Quimby • Luke 2:14
Christians need to recover their wonder of God's glory. With the arrival of Christ, God's glory is on display. The Messiah's arrival evokes worship and ensures peace.
December 11, 2022 • Josh Valdez • Luke 1:67–79
God is to be praised because he helps and redeems his people. John's purpose was to point us to Jesus, and Jesus is the one who saves us--all of it, God's tender mercy.
December 4, 2022 • Josh Valdez • Luke 1:46–55
Mary's song highlights God's power and mercy. The mighty one, who is holy, acts powerfully for his own.