
Palm Sunday - Who is Jesus to You?

April 10, 2022 • Caleb Martinez • Matthew 21:1–11

God Answers Every Prayer

April 3, 2022 • Trey Van Camp • Matthew 9:18–26

Matthew 9:18-26 When you come to Jesus, you'll be more burdened than you could ever imagine and more blessed than you could ever believe.

Vision Sunday

March 27, 2022 • Trey Van Camp • Matthew 9:9–17

Every human is on a search for the good life. And society assures us the only wrong path to take is the one forced upon us. But how often do we stop to consider if the path we are taking is fulfilling its promises? 2,000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth made the audacious claim that He is the only way to the good life (Jn. 14:6). According to Jesus, our apprenticeship to Him will lead to a life filled with love, peace, and joy. But this abundant life doesn’t happen from mere mental assent. It is a life that spends its time: (1) being with Jesus, (2) becoming like Jesus, and (3) doing what Jesus did. In tonight's message, we will cover the different paths people take and discover how Jesus is the only one delivering on His promise.

Misery Loves Company

March 20, 2022 • Trey Van Camp • Matthew 8:23–34, Matthew 9:1–8

The Cost of Christ

March 13, 2022 • Trey Van Camp • Matthew 8:18–22

Introducing Matthew

February 27, 2022 • Caleb Martinez • Matthew

Amazing Jesus

March 6, 2022 • Trey Van Camp • Matthew 8:1–17

Notes: Isaiah 53:3-4 Title: Amazing Jesus Lord, I don’t understand You, but I trust You. Matthew 8:1-4 1. Jesus isn’t just good, Jesus is God. 2. Jesus isn’t just a teacher, Jesus is the Temple. Matthew 8:5-13 God’s favor isn’t rooted in behavior. God’s favor is rooted in a Savior. Luke 7:4-5 1. Self-Righteousness 2. Self-Rejection “Faith that amazes Jesus emerges from a person that is amazed by Jesus.” Rich Vollidas Matthew 8:8-9 “Think of authority this way: the capacity for meaningful action. When you have authority, what you do, or do not do, makes a meaningful difference in the world around you.” Andy Crouch God’s authority doesn’t come to those who manifest their destiny, it comes to those who confess Christ’s divinity. Matthew 8:14-17 “God is always faithful, but he is extremely unpredictable. You cannot rely on your assumptions about what he will or will not do… Look at the apostles in the early days of the Church. Peter was supernaturally delivered out of prison from the edge of Herod’s sword, the same sword which only days previously beheaded James the Son of Thunder… So why all the difficulty? Why does God insist that the world remain unyieldingly chaotic? My conclusion is this: only in a world where faith is difficult can faith exist. Only in a world where pain is real can love be proved.” Andy Squyres Lord, I don’t fully understand You, but I fully trust You.