The book of Acts is the beginning of a story that we’re a part of. Luke, a Gentile physician and early follower of Jesus, writes about the origins of the church, the movement of the gospel, and the lifestyle of the first Christians. But his main goal is to do more than write a history book. Luke wants us to learn that the work that Jesus began in the gospels continues through his people, and by extension, through us today. Jesus commissions his disciples to continue the work of the Kingdom by receiving power, living open to the Spirit, and bearing witness to his life and resurrection. When we take our role seriously and reorient our lives to make space for the Spirit of God, we too can bear witness to the way of Jesus and change the world.
Acts 1: Power, Spirit, and Bearing Witness
March 3, 2024 • Caleb Martinez • Acts 1:1–8
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