
I AM the Good Shepherd

John 10:11-18

April 2, 2023 • Jay Stovall • John 10:11–18, Ezekiel 34:1–16

In John 10, Jesus calls himself “the good shepherd.” In doing so, Jesus clams several things about himself. First, it Jesus makes a claim about the character and nature of God. As shepherd of the sheep, Jesus is the one who protects, guides, and nurtures His flock. Secondly, Jesus is a “good” shepherd. The Greek word translated “good” describes something true, wholesome, good, and beautiful. As a good shepherd, Jesus stands against that which is wicked, mean, evil, and unloving. And not only is Jesus good in character, he’s also good in action. His ultimate act of love is to lay down his own life for our own good. Lastly, if Jesus is our shepherd, we are his sheep. Without a shepherd, we’re vulnerable to false teaching and to our own sin. But by communing with Jesus daily, we learn to distinguish his voice and follow his way to life.

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