
How to Be Holy - 1 Peter 1:13-25

October 16, 2022 • Caleb Martinez • 1 Peter 1:13–25

One of the most repeated instructions given throughout scripture is the command to “be holy.” We see it as a command directly from God given to the Israelites in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, a statement made by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew, and in the middle of 1 Peter 1. To be holy simply means to be set apart. Holiness is first something that describes God. He is set apart and distinct by his moral perfection, but also by his very nature. But God can also make us holy through Jesus. Holiness, then, is something that is both done to us and something done by us. We are made holy when we repent from our sins and are saved by the blood of Jesus.
But we can also be holy through our actions. As followers of Jesus, we live holy lives by aligning our thoughts and desires towards the way of Jesus. In order to do this practically, we must recognize the areas of our thoughts and desires that are not conformed to the way of Jesus. We do this through the practice of confession.

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