Discovering God's Will for Your Life!

May 7, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • 1 Samuel 24:1–7

Decisions can be difficult. Deciding where to eat and what to wear may seem challenging, but it pales in comparison to major life decisions. When the question is who you should marry, which position you should accept, or where you should move, you look for a sign from God. Major decisions cause you to search for God's will. 


In this message, we will look at a story where David was faced with an incredibly difficult decision. He was on the run when an opportunity arose that could have set up the future he had dreamed of. But instead of acting off of his emotions, David aligned his decisions with God's vision and plan. You will discover how David's story can help with your next major life decision. 

Life is Disappointing

June 25, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • 2 Samuel 15:13–16, Psalm 31:9–24, Proverbs 19:21, 2 Samuel 19:14

Everyone lives with expectations. You have expectations for your children, future, and career. Your plans and dreams are based on those expectations. But what happens when your expectations aren't met? What do you do when reality disappoints you?    In this message, you'll discover how David's emotions in a disappointing season led to an unrealistic reaction. His extreme disappointment exposed his misplaced trust. When you trust the Lord, you don't have to be disappointed when reality doesn't meet your expectations!

Have Your Dreams Died?

June 18, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • 2 Samuel 15:1–25, Romans 8:28–39

Everyone dreams of what their life and family will be like. How many kids will you have? What position will you accept? When will you retire? You often dream about the future and God's plan for your life. But what happens when your world falls apart and your dreams die?  In this message, we will continue to learn from the life of David. Looking at a moment in David's life where his greatest dreams seemed to be slipping away, you will see how easy it is to forget God's faithfulness in the middle of difficulty. But David's reaction to his dying dreams will teach you common mistakes to avoid. When all hope seems to be lost, God still has a plan for your life! 

What Do I Do When I Lose?

June 11, 2023 • Pastor Tyler Loy • 1 Samuel 30:1–19, Psalm 61, Psalm 27

Everyone loves to win. Celebrating an accomplishment or experiencing a victory seems to make every minor inconvenience in life disappear. But experiencing a great loss or walking through a painful season emphasizes the struggles you already face. What do you do when you lose?    In this message, we will look at a story where David suffered a tragic loss. Instead of rejoicing in the victory of battle, David found himself discouraged because of his unimaginable circumstances. But in spite of the tragedy that surrounded him, David prioritized his relationship with the Lord. You will learn what to do in the face of life-changing loss.