God of the Long View

June 14, 2020 • Pastor David Wigington

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. {Galatians 6:9}

Pastor David Wiggington - who pastors Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Bloomington, Indiana - shares his story and how he discovered how faithful the Lord is, when we choose to be faithful. Just because you don't see fruit now, doesn't mean to Lord isn't faithful. Keep being faithful. Keep being obedient. Watch how faithful the Lord is!

The Final Promise

December 27, 2020 • Pastor Rod Loy

He is on your side, and He’s going to watch over you, protect you, and see you through. Through songs and videos, along with a message on the final promise of the year, we reflect on all the promises we’ve learned throughout 2020.

Answered Prayer

November 29, 2020 • Pastor Rod Loy

In this message, we study God’s Promise to answer your prayers. If you have loved ones visiting for Thanksgiving—bring them with you, or tune in together online! The service is engaging and high-energy, full of music and testimonies that demonstrate the faithfulness of our God.


November 22, 2020 • Pastor Brian Dollar

In this message, we study God’s Promise of salvation. If you have been on the edge of completely surrendering control to Jesus, this for you! If you have been praying for unsaved friends and loved ones, share this with them. It’s a powerful message full of testimonies and music, all pointing to the incredible redeeming power and love of our God.