Difficult Questions About Healing

February 5, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • Romans 5:12, Ecclesiastes 3:1–2, Hebrews 9:27, Galatians 4:13, John 5:3–6

In this message, we’ll conclude our series on healing by tackling some difficult questions:

Does miraculous healing actually happen?

Why don’t we see more miracles here in America? 

Why are some people healed when others aren’t? 

Why isn’t everyone healed?

What are some things that keep you from a miracle?

Is going to a doctor or taking medication a lack of faith? 

How do you restore your faith after praying so hard for a loved one that died in spite of those prayers? 

More from Healing

When Will it End?

January 29, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • Mark 5:22–36

The common cold comes and goes - life goes back to normal. But what about the lingering sickness, chronic pain, or uncontrollable anxiety that just won't go away? If you have been battling sickness and pain for far too long, healing is available for you.    In this message, we will take a look at the story of a lady who battled a disease for 12 years with no hope to be healed. When all hope is lost and solutions can't be found, Jesus' healing touch is available for you! 

Healing When Your Heart is Broken

January 22, 2023 • Darius Johnston • Jeremiah 29:11

When you think of healing, you often think of sickness, disease, or chronic pain. But some of the most painful parts of life that cause you to cry for God's healing touch aren't diagnosable or easily seen. Broken hearts and shattered dreams can be life-controlling - your world comes crashing down with no hope in sight. In this message, you will hear a remarkable story of God’s healing power as we continue our series on healing.

Do You Need Healing?

January 15, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • Mark 10:46–52, Hebrews 11:16, John 5:6–13, Mark 10:14–15

Have you ever prayed for healing? If you have, you know how hopeless of a feeling it can be to have little control over your situation. As Americans, we want a plan or formula to fix our sickness and discomfort. But that isn't how healing works - you can't limit God to one miraculous method.    With this message, we begin a 4-week series on healing.  We will learn what the Bible says about healing and set aside time to pray for a miracle in your life. I encourage you, if you or a loved one needs healing, don't miss a single message! As we look at two miraculous stories of healing from the Bible, you will see we serve a God powerful enough to heal in a multitude of ways!