How Angry Are You?

October 16, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy • 1 Samuel 20:24–33, Proverbs 14:17, Proverbs 29:11, 1 Samuel 19:1–10

How many times have you been angry this week? Maybe you yelled at a co-worker for missing a detail or punched the steering wheel after being cut off in morning traffic. Whatever the situation, anger caused you to lash out in an unhealthy way.

In this message, we finish our series "Life Lessons from a Loser." Saul was known for being a hothead - he couldn't control his anger. You will learn the root causes of anger and how you can defeat it when it rises in your spirit. Because anger is common and dangerous, you must learn to control it before it's too late.

Can Jealousy Ruin Your Life?

October 9, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy • Ephesians 1:17–19, 1 Samuel 18, Ephesians 2:10

Have you ever been jealous of someone's family, success, or popularity? When someone else is living the life you have always dreamed of, it can be difficult to deal with. This feeling is common for many people. Even though jealousy is common, it is also dangerous - it has the power to destroy you and your future. In this message, we continue to study the life of King Saul. In spite of everything he had been blessed with, Saul couldn't stand when David was blessed. You will learn from Saul's actions that jealousy has the power to ruin your life.

Blessing Follows Obedience

October 2, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy • 1 John 1:9, Galatians 6:1–2, 1 Samuel 15, Luke 18:14

Everyone wants to live a blessed life. You dream of a big house, a perfect family, and a long life. Living a blessed life sounds wonderful - but as a biblical Christian, you must recognize that blessings are the result of your obedience to God's commands. In this message, we continue to study "Life Lessons from a Loser." We learn from a moment in Saul's life when he directly disobeyed God's instructions and had to face the consequences. Saul's actions expose the pattern and results of disobedience.

Wait on the Lord

September 25, 2022 • Pastor Parker Loy • 1 Samuel 8:4–22, 1 Samuel 9:27, 1 Samuel 10:5–9, 1 Samuel 13:5–14, Galatians 6:9

If you are like most, failing terrifies you! You don't want to fail so you work your hardest to be seen as a winner. Winners - people who succeed in life - are liked and looked up to. Losers - people who fail - are ridiculed and forgotten. This message is the start of our new series called "Life Lessons from a Loser." We will learn from the life of a guy in the Bible who seemed to have everything going right. Even though he had great potential, his choices and actions propelled him towards failure and the legacy of being a loser. There are valuable lessons in his story and mistakes to avoid!