Truly Priceless

November 6, 2022 • Dick Brogden

Have you ever made a purchase and then instantly regretted it? Maybe it was an unreliable car, an outfit you thought was trendy, or a trip that ended up being a disappointment. What did you learn from that purchase? Some things aren't worth it - they are worthless, not priceless!

In this message, you will hear amazing stories of what God is doing around the world! You will learn the value God places on people and will be challenged to do the same. The opportunity you receive to express God's love to hurting people will be completely worth it - it will be priceless!

More from Priceless.

What Do You Value?

October 30, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy • Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Philippians 2:1–8, John 3:16–17, Psalm 139:17–18

Every day you make value decisions - you decide what's worth the price and what's not. People around you can tell what you value by looking at what you spend money on and how you spend your time. When something is valuable, you don't think twice when it comes to time and money. In this message, we will learn about the most valuable thing of all. It's worth more than a new house, a nice car, or a long vacation. When we align our values with God's, it's absolutely worth the time and money.

What is Priceless to You?

October 23, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy

What do holding your child for the first time, having the entire family together for Christmas, and watching your grandchild chase their dreams have in common? They are all priceless moments. Whether it is a sentimental moment, a family heirloom, or a silly drawing your kid made in class, there are things worth more than money. This message is the start of our new series, "Priceless." We talk about the most precious, priceless moment of all! We will take communion together and remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.