
January 23, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy • Malachi 3:7–11, Proverbs 22:7, Proverbs 13:11, Proverbs 25:28, Proverbs 21:5

What would you do with a time machine? You could use it to get rid of debt or make amazing investments.⁠

Sadly, you don’t have the benefit of a time machine. You can’t undo the past. However, you can approach the future with a different mindset, and a changed perspective on money.⁠

In this message, we conclude our series, Money Talks, with an important message that will change your financial life.⁠

More from Money Talks


January 16, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy • Proverbs 18:13, Galatians 6:9, Proverbs 22:7, Matthew 6:24, Proverbs 24:3

In “Money Talks”, we are learning three principles that will radically change your financial life and financial future. In the last message, we learned the first word and principle: obey. If you obey God in any area of your life – including your finances – He responds with blessing. If you missed part one, watch it before you watch this message. In this message, you will learn the second life-altering principle. This concept will be simple to understand but may be difficult to apply. Be ready to learn and willing to change.


January 9, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy • Malachi 3:8–10, Deuteronomy 11:26–28, Luke 11:42, Matthew 6:33

Money is in the news a lot. Gas prices are going up. Groceries cost more. Everything seems to cost more. You can’t watch the news or go online without seeing something about money and the economy. Because money is a natural part of the world, it should be natural that we talk about how to handle money wisely according to the Bible. In this message, we will begin our series by talking about the first of three words that will help you to be wise with your finances.