
November 13, 2022 • Pastor Randy Jumper • Jude, Mark 3:20–21, John 7:2–5

Have you ever believed something that turned out to be fake? Maybe you were led down the wrong path by a business partner, spouse, or family member. Knowing that someone you trusted misguided or intentionally took advantage of you hurts. These people - false teachers - are selfish and destructive. 


In this message, we begin a new series on the book of Jude. Even though Jude is a short book, it holds many lessons on how you can defeat false teachers. As a biblical Christian, you must learn what it takes to resist temptation and remain faithful to God!

More from Jude

How Should You Treat Others?

November 27, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy • Jude, Romans 5:8, Colossians 4:6

In this message, we conclude our study over the book of Jude. We will take a look at Jude's closing words - a powerful lesson on how biblical Christians should treat others. You will learn three principles for helping others and making a difference. We’ll also enjoy some laughter and fun - it’s going to be a great weekend! 

Who Are the Voices in Your Life?

November 20, 2022 • Pastor Rod Loy

It's easy to tell when someone has a destructive person speaking into their life. If someone is angry, frustrated, and rude - often they are surrounded by angry, frustrated, and rude people. If someone is generous, loving, and intentional - often they are surrounded by the same type of people. The people who speak into your life, influence how you act and what you value.  In this message, we continue our study over the book of Jude - a letter written to a church influenced by false teachers sharing a false gospel. It was a dangerous situation for the church because the false teachers provided a low commitment, "do what feels good" religion. You will learn how to detect false teachers and choose the right voices to speak into your life!