Who Will Run to Your Rescue?

October 31, 2021 • Pastor Rod Loy • 1 Samuel 18:6–9, 2 Samuel 21:15–17, 2 Samuel 22:17–20

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to be rescued? If it hasn't happened yet, it will. Maybe the small arguments in your marriage have turned volatile and it seems like it is heading for disaster. Maybe the city shut off your power and you aren't sure how you will make it through the winter. Whatever the situation may be, you are bound to be in need of a rescue.

In this message, you will see how the enemy strikes in our lowest times. You will be encouraged to stand with your brothers and sisters in Christ during times of need.

More from Rescue

Run to the Rescue!

November 7, 2021 • Pastor Rod Loy • Proverbs 31:8–9, Colossians 1:13–14, Proverbs 24:10–12

Have you ever seen someone rescued? Maybe they were drowning and the lifeguard pulled them out of the water in time. Maybe they had to be pulled out of a car after a bad wreck. People have to be rescued from "life-or-death" situations all of the time. In this message, you will have the opportunity to hear about some of the amazing work that Project Rescue is doing to rescue women and children from sexual slavery! You will hear about their "life-or-death" situations and be challenged to run to their rescue.


October 24, 2021 • Pastor Rod Loy • Colossians 1:6–14, Luke 15:10, John 8:34

Have you ever felt trapped? Maybe you were in a relationship that you couldn't seem to escape. Maybe money was tight and the weight of life seemed to pile on top of you. It's possible those are not pictures of the past, but describe your current season of life. Don’t give up – there is hope! In this message, we will start a new series exploring some of the greatest rescues found in the Bible. We will start by seeing how we all need to be rescued from the trap of sin. You will learn how the love of Jesus saves you in even the most impossible situations. You’ll also be challenged to share that love with others!