Leading Like Jesus

How Do You Lead Like Jesus?

March 12, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • John 13:1–35

Has there ever been a day that changed your life? In a matter of moments your life was different - things would never go back to the way they were. You look back on that day with pain or happiness. Either way, those life-altering moments tell a monumental part of your story.

This message starts our new series - "One Day that Changed the World." We look at the final 24 hours Jesus spent with His disciples before His crucifixion. His final moments were filled with historic events, extraordinary lessons, and extreme heartbreak. We begin by learning how Jesus displayed true leadership in controversial fashion - it isa challenging lesson for us all. 

Battling Betrayal

April 16, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • Matthew 26:30–57, Luke 22:51–52, John 20:19–21, Acts 1:8

Have you ever been betrayed? Have hateful words or actions changed your life? Maybe you've learned the people closest to you can hurt you the most. Facing the attack of a once-trusted friend and learning to move on is painful. In this message, we will rewind to Jesus' final moments before His crucifixion and the Easter story. Understanding the pain Jesus experienced at the hands of His closest followers makes His decision to die on the cross extraordinarily powerful. You will be comforted and challenged by Jesus' actions. 

It is Finished!

April 9, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • Matthew 20:17–19, Romans 6:23, John 20:1–16, John 3:16–17, Mark 8:31

Do you feel like things in your life are finished? Does it seem like you have no hope? In the case of Jesus, what looked like the biggest possible loss was really a win.  The end was really only the beginning. In this message, we look at the one day that changed the world forever!

The Difficult Truth

March 26, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • John 15:18–20, John 17:20–26, John 17:20–22, John 13:12–35, John 14:7

At First NLR, we believe the Bible is our guidebook for living - the entire Bible. Every section of Scripture holds key lessons and meaningful words that God wants His people to learn. As a biblical Christian, you can't ignore verses, chapters, or books that include difficult truths.    In this message we continue our series, "One Day that Changed the World." We look at a lesson Jesus gave His disciples right before He was crucified. As it was one of the final things Jesus taught, it's an important part of being a biblical Christian. This is a lesson we all need to hear!