Strong When Weak

July 9, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • 2 Corinthians 11:23–28, 2 Corinthians 12:2–9

One of my favorite thinking exercises is to approach a problem from a completely different perspective. I take my assumption or knowledge, turn it upside down and force myself to find a new, creative solution. I call it "upside-down thinking." 


As we begin our new series, "Upside Down", you will discover some upside-down statements in the Bible and learn how to apply them to your life. In this message, you will learn to embrace your weakness so God's strength can be made perfect. 

More from Upside Down

What Has Control of You?

August 13, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • Romans 6:15–18, Genesis 4:7

Who is your master? What has control of you? For many, the answer would be drugs, technology, toxic relationships, or excessive spending. Unhealthy and dangerous habits can quickly trap you in the chains of toxicity and sin. So how do you escape?   As we finish our series looking at passages in the Bible that challenge our usual way of living, we discover a key lesson from Paul. Paul knew the captivating power of sin. He recognized the danger of being controlled by the wrong master. By learning from his words to the Romans, you will discover that making Jesus your master leads to true freedom!

More Money, More Problems?

August 6, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • Matthew 6:25–33, Matthew 10:29

If you were offered a large sum of money, chances are you would take it. No matter how much you have or don't have, more money always seems like the best option. Money attracts people, drives people, and pushes people over the edge. More money seems nice, but what does Jesus say?  As we continue to look at principles in the Bible that go against the traditional way of thinking, we come across a challenging lesson from Jesus. Jesus knows money has the power to control you and cause you to worry. He sees the stress and anxiety that your finances create. In a world that pushes you to have and make more, Jesus releases you from that pressure in an unexpected way. 

How to Get Back at Your Enemy

July 30, 2023 • Pastor Rod Loy • Matthew 5:41–43, Leviticus 19:18, Luke 6:27–36

When you think about the word, "enemy", who comes to mind? No matter who they are or how you know them, at some point in life, they hurt you deeply. Just picturing that person causes your blood pressure to go up, your fists to clench, and your mind to dream of revenge. If you could delete anyone from your life, this person would be your first choice.   As we continue our series, "Upside Down", you will discover another passage from the Bible that will help you stand out and point others to Jesus. In a world where revenge is common - and often approved - Jesus offers a countercultural command. Instead of targeting your enemy, He calls you to love them. This "upside down" statement is another key to being a life-long follower!