Christmas Unwrapped

Unwrapping the meaning of Christmas

Christmas Eve Morning Service 930AM

Pastor George Dupree • Isaiah 9:6, John 1:4, John 1:5, Isaiah 9:2

Love Has Come - Christmas Morning 2022

December 25, 2022 • Pastor George Dupree • Luke 2:1–19, John 3:16–17, 1 John 4:9–10, John 13:35, John 1:12

The birth of Jesus was miraculous. The prophet Isaiah predicted that a virgin would conceive a sin and call Him Emanuel, God with us and that's exactly what happened. God demonstrated His love toward mankind by sending LOVE to earth in the form of Jesus.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

December 24, 2022 • Pastor George Dupree • Isaiah 9:2, Matthew 2:2, Revelation 22:16

Light came into the world through the Advent of Jesus. He brings light and life to all who believe. Jesus said "I, Jesus, I am the bright morning star." Revelation 22:16 Welcome the light of Christ into your life as we celebrate the birth of Jesus in our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Advent of Joy 2022

December 18, 2022 • Pastor Joel Dupree • Luke 2:10, Psalm 30:5

Joy to the world - the Lord has come! Joy is something that can be yours because Jesus came to be among us, Emanuel, God with us. Happiness is based on happenings but Joy is deep inside of us and no matter what's happening we can still be joyful because we're JOY FILLED. The gift of Joy comes each morning, unwrap the gift and enJOY it. Psalm 30:5 - Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

Advent of Peace 2022

December 11, 2022 • Pastor Joel Dupree • Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah 26:12, Philippians 4:6–7, Luke 2:13, Isaiah 9:6

When you get a gift you can shake the box but you never really know what's inside until you unwrap it. That's what we're doing this Christmas season, we're Unwrapping Christmas and looking inside to see the greatest gift ever! Through Jesus' Advent we have Peace with God and He gives us Peace within.

Advent of Hope 2022

December 4, 2022 • Pastor George Dupree • Isaiah 9:2, Isaiah 7:14, John 4:3–5, Romans 15:13

Advent is about resetting Jesus Christ at the center of our lives. By observing Advent, we focus on the true meaning of Christmas, which is Jesus, He was God’s gift to all mankind. So, in essence, Jesus was the first Christmas present ever given. Advent Brings Hope - We can have hope because God is FAITHFUL and will keep the PROMISES He made to us. Our true hope comes through Jesus because He came to forgive our sins and give us eternal life.

08 - Regifting Christmas

January 13, 2021 • Pastors George & Carolyn Dupree

There so many things that we get in life as presents, gifts and expressions of love toward us. The beautiful thing a bout a gift is in the name, it's simply a gift. The greatest gift that anyone could ever receive is the gift of eternal life through the forgiveness that Jesus gives. Paul, the Apostle, describes it as an indescribable gift, too good for words. We hope that you'll be blessed by this message and encouraged to give to others what you have received because of the gift of Jesus in your life

07 - Christmas Is For Giving

January 6, 2021 • Pastors George & Carolyn Dupree

One of the most common traditions that we have at Christmastime is the exchanging of gifts. So we say that Christmas is for giving. Jesus said that it was more blessed to give than to receive and that's so true, the blessing we get when we give is beautiful. But do we see that there's such a blessing for us when we forgive? You see, Christmas is forgiving, in other words because of Christmas or the appearance of Jesus Christ we get forgiveness and we learn the beautiful lesson of offering forgiveness as well. When we forgive we're actually the greatest beneficiary of the act. We pray that you're blessed by this message.

06 - The Gift of Peace part 2

December 23, 2020 • Pastors George & Carolyn Dupree

There's a very well known expression we hear during the Christmas season - on earth peace, goodwill toward men - this expression is often misunderstood to mean that because of Jesus we'll have a peaceful life on earth but that's not completely true, what it means is that because of Jesus we have peace with God because of His goodwill toward us. We have that peace when receive the gift of forgiveness that comes through Jesus. We hope you're encouraged as we continue with this message.

05 - The Gift of Peace part 1

December 16, 2020 • Pastors George & Carolyn Dupree

There's a very well known expression we hear during the Christmas season - on earth peace, goodwill toward men - this expression is often misunderstood to mean that because of Jesus we'll have a peaceful life on earth but that's not completely true, what it means is that because of Jesus we have peace with God because of His goodwill toward us. We have that peace when receive the gift of forgiveness that comes through Jesus. We hope you're encouraged by this message.

04 - Grace While You Wait part 2

December 16, 2020 • Pastors George & Carolyn Dupree

There are so many things in life that we have to wait for. We wait for the traffic light to change, we wait for a promotion at work, we wait for the birth of a child and so on. Waiting is usually not such an easy thing to do so we ask the Lord for grace while we wait. There are two people in the Bible who God must have given tremendous grace to because they were waiting for years for the greatest event in mankind's history, they were waiting fo the savior, the messiah, for Jesus to be born. Listen in as we look at a little bit more of the story of Simeon and Anna in part 2 of this message

03 - Grace While You Wait part 1

December 9, 2020 • Pastors George & Carolyn Dupree

There are so many things in life that we have to wait for. We wait for the traffic light to change, we wait for a promotion at work, we wait for the birth of a child and so on. Waiting is usually not such an easy thing to do so we ask the Lord for grace while we wait. There are two people in the Bible who God must have given tremendous grace to because they were waiting for years for the greatest event in mankind's history, they were waiting fo the savior, the messiah, for Jesus to be born. Listen in as we look at a little bit of the story of Simeon and Anna.

02 - The Forgotten Man of Christmas part 2

December 2, 2020 • Pastors George & Carolyn Dupree

There are many characters in the Bible that are easily remembered but Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus is one who could be overlooked. In this message we'll look at a little bit more about the life of this man of God in part 2 of this message.

01 - The Forgotten Man of Christmas part 1

November 25, 2020 • Pastors George & Carolyn Dupree

There are many characters in the Bible that are easily remembered but Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus is one who could be overlooked. In this message we'll look at a little bit about the life of this man of God.