Understanding The Holy Spirit

Since we live by the Spirit, let keep in step with the Spiri

Understanding The Holy Spirit 6

February 20, 2013 • Rick Saladon

To live a supernatural life we need more than ourselves, we need the anointing of the Holy Spirit to live a significant and fulfilled life. The Holy Spirit makes us better than we could ever be by ourselves.

Understanding The Holy Spirit 5

February 17, 2013 • George Dupree

The Apostle Paul knew the value of a supernatural prayer language and he encourages us to value this prayer language as well. There are times when we just don't have the words to pray and the Holy Spirit will empower us to pray beyond our limitations.

Understanding The Holy Spirit 4

February 13, 2013 • George Dupree

When the day of Pentecost had come ALL of the believers in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Understanding The Holy Spirit 3

February 10, 2013 • George Dupree

The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is not a Pentecostal or Charismatic doctrine, it's a Bible doctrine.

Understanding The Holy Spirit 2

February 6, 2013 • George Dupree

If we ask God to give us the Holy Spirit He will.

Understanding The Holy Spirit 1

February 3, 2013 • George Dupree

When the Holy Spirit comes upon us we receive power - there is purpose in the power - the power enables us to be a witness for Christ and the power enables us to live a life of an overcomer