God's Grace Elicits Extreme Responses

Extreme Generosity

January 23, 2022 • Pastor George Dupree • 2 Corinthians 8:1–7

When God bestows His grace upon us that same grace will elicit a response on our part.

This is what happened to the people of Macedonia. God showed and bestowed His grace upon them and there was an incredible response.

Revive Us Lord

February 19, 2023 • Pastor George Dupree • Psalm 85:6, Matthew 5:6, Psalm 42:1

Jesus is the source of life giving water, take a moment right now and let His Spirit refresh your soul. I long to drink of you, O God, to drink deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of you! Psalm 42:1 TPT

A New Covenant

September 4, 2022 • Pastor George Dupree • Ezekiel 36:24–26, Jeremiah 31:31–33, Hebrews 8:7–13, 1 Corinthians 11:23–26, Colossians 3:12

Jesus announced a New Covenant at the last supper; this New Covenant abolished the charges which were against us... Colossians 3:12‬ - He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross

Don't Limit God

August 14, 2022 • Pastor George Dupree • Jeremiah 32:27, Ephesians 3:20, Psalm 78:41

There is nothing impossible for God so whatever you're facing God is able to see you through.