This Is Love

Bearing The Fruit Of Love

January 6, 2013 • George Dupree

As Christians we can't have leaves with no fruit. The Apostle Paul tells us that the fruit of the Spirit is LOVE etc. All of the fruit in our lives is not complete unless it is based upon LOVE.


January 30, 2013 • George Dupree

Jesus look out at the people and He had compassion on them. He looked at them With-Passion.

Amazing Acts Of Love

January 27, 2013 • Rick Saladon

You'll be able to talk yourself out of loving people when you calculate the cost. The cost will be for you to prefer them above yourself and that's not natural for us to do. But we are supernatural people so we can love like Jesus loved.

Love Makes Room

January 20, 2013 • George Dupree

Just like in our homes there are rooms and each room has a function and each room will also express our needs, our future desires and our taste so it is with God's House. Each local church will express its heart by the rooms that are prepared. What I'm talking about here are the physical rooms of the house as well as the rooms created by the atmosphere or the vibe of the church.