God, Are You Mad At Me part 2

A story of two men, one good, one bad

April 14, 2013 • George Dupree

One thing we want to avoid is comparing ourselves to others. We don't want to think "I'm not as good as Stephen or I'm not as bad as Paul." If we look at our goodness or badness we will forget God's ultimate GOODNESS and GRACE. God can't be anything but GOOD and He always extends His GRACE to us. It's unearned and undeserved but because He loves us He gives it to us.

God, Are You Mad At Me - ConeXion

April 17, 2013 • Joel Dupree

Did you ever feel like God was out to get you? He is, He's out to get you blessed.

God, Are You Mad At Me - ConeXion

April 10, 2013 • Carolyn Dupree

Did you ever think someone is mad at you but they're not...Sometimes it's the same between you and God, you think He is, but He's not!

God, Are You Mad At Me part 1

April 7, 2013 • George Dupree

What the law couldn't do an encounter with the Jesus did, it changed Zacchaeus' heart. Love did that. Romans 8:3 The law of Moses could not save http://us...but God put into effect a different plan to save us. He sent his own http://son...god destroyed sin's control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins.