
Jesus Loves His “Organized” Church

July 28, 2024 • John Hunn • 1 Timothy 3:14–16

I. The Conduct in God’s House - 3:14-15

1. The Church of the living God -

2. The Pillar & Buttress of the Truth -

II. The Confession of God’s People - 3:16

1. The mystery of godliness - is Christ-centeredness AND Christlikeness!

a. Manifested in the flesh - INCARNATION

• John 1:14; Hebrews 10; Rev 1:11-18

b. Vindicated by the Spirit - AFFIRMATION

• His conception/birth (Matt 1)

• His life & ministry (Matt 3; Acts 2)

• His Resurrection (Romans 1)

c. Seen by angels - CONFIRMATION

• His birth; His temptation; His tomb

• His three days after the cross

• His resurrection: His ascension

d. Proclaimed among the nations - EVANGELIZATION

e. Believed on in the world - SALVATION

• Not just spoken of but embraced! They believed therefore they received - Colossians 1:6

f. Taken up in glory - ASCENSION

• Acts 1:9-11 (critical in understanding His return. Matthew 24:15-31 (vv. 1-14)