
3. Thriving in the Real World

January 22, 2023 • Chris Seidman

A lot of us tend to compartmentalize our relationship with God from “life in the real world.” It’s as though we have our “spiritual” lives and then our “secular” lives. But from the beginning, our “life in the real world” was meant to be a part of our relationship with God. This understanding has everything to do with “flourishing” in the real world.

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7. Freedom from Shame

February 12, 2023 • Chris Seidman

Did you know that shame slows us down neurologically? That’s not the only way shame interferes with our flourishing. Learning how to deal with shame makes a practical difference in our capacity to live in healthy ways. This weekend, we explore why it matters that Adam and Eve felt no shame before sin entered the picture. We also learn how to deal with shame in our lives now that it is in the picture.

6. Authority

February 5, 2023 • Chris Seidman • Psalm 8:6–8, Genesis 2:4–5, Genesis 2:15, Ephesians 5:23–27, Genesis 1:26–28

This weekend our Flourish series continues by exploring the relationship between authority, power, and flourishing in our lives. What does it mean that God gave human beings a certain measure of authority and power to make a meaningful difference in our world?

5. Enemies of Rest

January 29, 2023 • Hunter Wheatcraft

This weekend at the Farmers Branch campus, Hunter Wheatcraft teaches us about enemies of rest.