Close Series
October - November 2024
New Birth
November 24, 2024 • Brian Faught • John 3
What are you chasing after in life? In this, the final week of our Close series, we explore the story of Nicodemus in John 3—a man risking everything to meet Jesus in secret. Confronted with the truth of spiritual rebirth, he begins to realize that the things we pursue in life, which seem so important, often leave us empty. Only through Jesus can we find the renewal and purpose we were created for. We conclude this powerful series by discovering how closeness to God truly changes everything.
Do You Want To Be Healed
November 17, 2024 • Paul A. Berthiaume • John 5:1–17
What do you really want? In this message, we explore this question through the story of a man stuck for 38 years, both physically and spiritually. Jesus’s question, “Do you want to be healed?” invites us to confront our own areas of stagnation. Too often, we settle for what’s comfortable or place our hope in the wrong things, missing the deeper healing only Jesus can offer. This message challenges us to trust Him, take a step of faith, and experience the wholeness we truly long for.
Bring Them to Jesus
November 10, 2024 • Paul A. Berthiaume • John 4
Do you ever feel vulnerable as a parent? Parenting can leave us feeling exposed, yet it also brings profound meaning, focusing our lives on love and dependence on God. In this message, we’ll explore what it means to bring our children—with all their struggles—to Jesus, the only one who fully understands our heartache and hopes for them. Join us as we unpack a powerful story of a desperate father who finds healing and hope in Jesus and discover how we, too, can approach God with our family's deepest needs.
The Light of Understanding
November 3, 2024 • Grace Subiaga • John 9
Have you ever felt lost in the dark, not sure where to find hope or clarity? In this message, "The Light of Understanding," Grace Subiaga shares the story of a blind man healed by Jesus, showing how even our toughest struggles can open our eyes to a deeper truth. Grace shows us how Jesus’s light guides us, heals us, and brings us closer to God, even when life feels darkest. You'll be encouraged to look for His light right where you are.
October 27, 2024 • Paul A. Berthiaume • John 8
How angry would you have to be to throw a stone at someone’s head? In this message, we reflect on what it means to cast stones—not just physically, but with our words, actions, and silence. In a world filled with anger and fear, we often justify our stone-throwing behavior. But Jesus shows us a different way. Come and explore the powerful story of forgiveness, grace, and the wisdom to put down the stones we carry.
Family: It's Complicated
October 20, 2024 • Paul A. Berthiaume • John 2
This week, Pastor Paul dives into the messy reality of family—where misunderstandings, jealousy, and rejection often hit hardest. Even Jesus dealt with complicated family dynamics, and His response offers us a powerful example. How do we set boundaries with love? How can we extend grace when family hurts us? And what does God ask of us in the middle of it all? To find out how Jesus navigated these challenges and how we can apply His wisdom to our own lives, don’t miss this week’s message—it’s one you need to hear!
God Speaks
October 13, 2024 • Paul A. Berthiaume • John 4
In week 2 of our Close series, we explore how God is constantly speaking to us and how listening to Him transforms our lives. Using the story of the woman at the well, Pastor Paul shows how her encounter with Jesus changes everything when she opens her heart to His voice. She moves from isolation to becoming a powerful force in her community, simply by responding to God. As we gather, we expect to hear from God and be reminded that when we truly listen, He uses us in ways beyond our imagination.
Come And See
October 6, 2024 • Paul A. Berthiaume • John
Discover the closeness that God offers through Jesus as we dive into the Gospel of John. Pastor Paul explores the profound mystery of a transcendent God who became human, stepping into our world to invite us into an intimate love relationship with Him. This isn’t about rules or rituals; it's about being known, seen, and loved by God. Pastor Paul challenges us to reflect—are we close to Jesus, truly following Him, or is He a distant thought?
Close Series Bumper
October 6, 2024
In this 8-week series from the Gospel of John, we explore how Jesus–the God of all creation–chooses not to remain distant but draws near to us, walking among us in the everyday moments of life. Rather than calling us from afar, He steps right into our stories—seeing, knowing, and inviting us to follow Him closely. This series reveals the beauty of a God who desires to be intimately involved in our lives, guiding us with His light and truth. Join us as we discover what it means to experience the nearness of Jesus and the life-changing power of walking closely with Him.