Brian Sullivan Intro
August 25, 2024 • Brian Sullivan
Confronting the God of Your Gut
September 1, 2024 • Dr. David Clark
In the final week of our Be Our Guest series, guest speaker Dr. David Clark discusses how people often know a lot about God but struggle to truly feel close to Him. He tells a story about a seminary student who, despite his knowledge, was afraid of God. Dr. Clark explains that our early relationships shape how we connect with God, and issues like anxiety or keeping others at a distance can block us from feeling His love. He encourages us to move beyond just knowing about God by practicing spiritual habits, connecting more deeply within our church, and being open to feedback, all to build a deeper, gut-level relationship with God.
The Heart of A Teacher
August 25, 2024 • Brian Sullivan
In this back-to-school message honoring teachers, Brian Sullivan, Head of School at Venture Academy, highlights the profound influence teachers have on students and families. He draws parallels between their impact and the teachings of Jesus, emphasizing how exceptional teachers use compassion, creativity, and personal connection to inspire and guide. Effective teaching involves more than transferring knowledge; it builds confidence and supports students through challenges. Teachers empower their students by recognizing their potential and providing encouragement, leaving a lasting impression that shapes students' lives well beyond the classroom.
Knowing the God of the Universe
August 18, 2024 • Dr. David Clark • Psalm 19
In this message, guest speaker Dr. David Clark challenges us as believers to think critically about our faith, demonstrating that Christianity is not based on circular reasoning but is supported by clear thinking and evidence. He guides us through Psalm 19 to show how the natural world reveals God's existence and connects scientific discoveries, like the Big Bang, to reinforce the belief that the universe's beginning points to a divine cause. Dr. Clark strengthens our faith by encouraging us to embrace good reasoning and evidence as foundations for our belief in God.