Matt Rees Intro - Week 4
July 13, 2024 • Matt Rees
Final Instructions
July 28, 2024 • Amanda Brenden • 1 Thessalonians 5
In this final message in our Hope in a Hostile World series, Amanda teaches through the Apostle Paul's final instructions to the church in Thessalonica, where he encourages them and gives guidance on living a good life while waiting for Jesus to return. Amanda shows the parallels for our own lives—staying hopeful, supporting the leaders in our church, and being kind to each other. She stresses the importance of working hard for the right things, remaining positive, staying in prayer, and being thankful in all things. Finally, she reminds us to be so busy doing good that we avoid falling into sin while showing those in our circles that we love them and care for them.
Assurance Beyond Doubt
July 21, 2024 • Anna Bohrer • 1 Thessalonians 5
There are many ideas about the return of Christ that can lead us to many different conclusions about God– some good, and some bad. Despite all these beliefs, we can stay rooted in the biblical truth of the assurance of Christ’s salvation and of his return for us. Because we know we are truly saved by Christ, we can persevere through hostile times until his final return.