Bible Prophecy Updates

Prophecy Update - 2024-06-23 (with Worship)

June 23, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains how and why it is that we as the bride of Christ are now on the final lap and about to finish the race ending with the pre-tribulation rapture.

Prophecy Update - 2024-06-23

June 23, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains how and why it is that we as the bride of Christ are now on the final lap and about to finish the race ending with the pre-tribulation rapture.

Prophecy Update - 2024-06-16

June 16, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains why it is that in a peculiar passage, Jesus says to remember Lot’s wife when asked a prophecy question about when the end would come.

Prophecy Update - 2024-06-09

June 9, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains why details in scripture speak to how the pre-tribulation rapture is no longer just possible, but now most probable, given the swiftness with which everything is happening.

Personal message from Pastor JD about being with his family during the month of May

April 28, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Personal message from Pastor JD concerning being with his family in May; Aloha Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Sunday, April 28th, 2024, I made the announcement that I’ll be out of the pulpit for the month of May. This because, we will celebrate my wife’s birthday, who, as many of you know, continues to battle breast cancer. BUT GOD, as only He can, is shrinking the large tumor and stopping the aggressive spread, for which we give Him all the glory, and are most grateful to all who have been praying and continue to pray. We also commemorate our daughter Noelle’s memorial when she went home to be with Jesus on May 4th, which is 2-days before Kellie’s birthday and 8-days before Mother’s Day, which is May 12th this year. Then, 6-days after, we celebrate our second-born son’s graduation from college, and shortly after our daughter’s graduation from High School 1-year early as a Junior. Then we will also celebrate my first-born son’s birthday. Then, in addition to all of this, I will also be officiating the Celebration of Life for a dear friend and brother in Christ, David Anderson, on Sunday, May 26th, which happens to be Memorial Day weekend. These are just a few of the many things that I just want to be with my family for, all of which are during the month of May. Please know that you’ll be left in the very capable and loving hands of both Pastor Leitu and Pastor Mac as they fill in for me in my absence. Lord willing, and, “IF WE’RE STILL HERE”, I will return to the pulpit beginning with our prayer meeting on Tuesday, June 4th, which I’m really looking forward to, and as such will be so ready to come back. This for a number of reasons not the least of which is that I love you all very much, will miss you all very much, and that I’m so profoundly privileged to be your pastor both locally and internationally, for which I thank you all so very much. Until, jd

Personal message from Pastor JD concerning decision to disaffiliate from Calvary Chapel

April 21, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Personal message from Pastor JD concerning decision to disaffiliate from Calvary Chapel; Aloha Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As many of you know, on Sunday April 21st, 2024, I announced that the Board of Directors adopted a resolution on March 17th, 2024, to disaffiliate from Calvary Chapel, and out of respect, we subsequently removed the “Calvary Chapel Kaneohe” sign from the exterior of our building shortly after. This weighty decision was bathed in much weeping, praying and fasting by the Board of Directors, Pastors, and staff for well-nigh 4-years now commencing in 2020, with Covid-19 and the so-called "vaccine". Sadly, we came to the heartbreaking realization that we were no longer walking together in agreement, (Amos 3:3). While we’ve disaffiliated from Calvary Chapel, we’re still committed to Pastor Chuck Smith's "original" Calvary Chapel Distinctives and will continue to abide by them, as in every respect we still function as a Calvary Chapel, though no longer affiliated with Calvary Chapel. So-much-so that we’ll continue to offer Pastor Chuck’s book, “The Calvary Chapel Distinctives” to anyone at no cost, as we always have for many years. There will be absolutely no changes with the exception of our name, which will now simply be, “Calvary Kaneohe”. This after seeking the multitude of counsel (Proverbs 11:14), so as to maintain transparency and remain above reproach, which we have, by God’s grace, for 20-years, since I first planted this church in 2004. It’s of paramount importance to understand that there is no ill will towards Calvary Chapel, any Calvary Chapel Pastors or affiliated ministries, rather, we deemed it prudent to officially and legally disaffiliate in a God honoring way so as to not cause any further and unnecessary consternation or division, specific to our “controversial” Bible Prophecy Updates, which we’ve done weekly, for about 18-years, since back in 2006. We remain committed to, and will continue with, simply teaching the Bible simply, book-by-book, chapter- by-chapter and verse-by-verse as Pastor Chuck always taught us to. Furthermore, we are most compelled and even constrained to always preach only the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and teach Bible prophecy in this, the last hour, so as to get Jesus to people and people to Jesus; as many as we can, and as quickly as we can. Please know that we cannot thank you all enough for your overwhelming love and kindness to us in this regard. We continue to receive words of encouragement, which are numerous and voluminous, and for which we are most grateful to the many who are taking the time to email, write, and or post your unwavering support of, and steadfast agreement with, this most difficult decision. We appreciate your patience with us, and covet your prayers for us, moving forward as we navigate this unchartered territory, especially for myself, as the privileged pastor of this most amazing and loving church, both locally and internationally. I've been with Calvary Chapel for over 42-years now, since back in 1982, and have planted and pastored two Calvary Chapels in 25-years of those 42-years, beginning back in 1999. Lastly, and very importantly, our disaffiliation from Calvary Chapel is not synonymous with my disassociation from Calvary Chapel pastors, as I personally have many dear friends who are Calvary Chapel pastors, from whom I receive godly counsel, and to whom I am also accountable, and with whom I am still in fellowship. Until, jd

Prophecy Update - 2024-04-28 (with Worship)

April 28, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD provides three Biblical reasons as to why it is that Bible prophecy is so controversial and even seemingly conspiratorial.

Prophecy Update - 2024-04-28

April 28, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD provides three Biblical reasons as to why it is that Bible prophecy is so controversial and even seemingly conspiratorial.

Prophecy Update - 2024-04-21

April 21, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD talks about the evidence explaining the strange sudden change in people’s personalities and behavior foretold of in the book of Revelation during the 7-year tribulation.

Prophecy Update - 2024-04-14

April 14, 2024

Pastor JD explains what we can do when Bible prophecy causes division within a marriage, a family, or a church fellowship.

Prophecy Update - 2024-04-07

April 7, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains why the crazier everyone and everything gets in the world, the closer we get to the pre- tribulation rapture and the end of the world.

Prophecy Update - 2024-03-31

March 31, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains how all that’s happening in the world now points to Jesus and the pre-tribulation rapture, then talks candidly about the unprecedented demonic division and deception in this last hour.

Prophecy Update - 2024-03-24

March 24, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD addresses the often-used saying known as, “Do they know something we don’t?” by covering some surprising details concerning the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th.

Prophecy Update - 2024-03-17

March 17, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD provides a Biblical and practical template to use in discerning what’s true or false concerning all the different dissenting and dividing voices teaching Bible prophecy.

Prophecy Update - 2024-03-10

March 10, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains how the key ingredients are now being brewed in the prophetic pot, using a recipe for disaster with the Satanic stew of destruction and death.