Personal message from Pastor JD about being with his family during the month of May

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April 28, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Personal message from Pastor JD concerning being with his family in May;

Aloha Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On Sunday, April 28th, 2024, I made the announcement that I’ll be out of the pulpit for the month of May. This because, we will celebrate my wife’s birthday, who, as many of you know, continues to battle breast cancer. BUT GOD, as only He can, is shrinking the large tumor and stopping the aggressive spread, for which we give Him all the glory, and are most grateful to all who have been praying and continue to pray.

We also commemorate our daughter Noelle’s memorial when she went home to be with Jesus on May 4th, which is 2-days before Kellie’s birthday and 8-days before Mother’s Day, which is May 12th this year. Then, 6-days after, we celebrate our second-born son’s graduation from college, and shortly after our daughter’s graduation from High School 1-year early as a Junior. Then we will also celebrate my first-born son’s birthday.

Then, in addition to all of this, I will also be officiating the Celebration of Life for a dear friend and brother in Christ, David Anderson, on Sunday, May 26th, which happens to be Memorial Day weekend. These are just a few of the many things that I just want to be with my family for, all of which are during the month of May.

Please know that you’ll be left in the very capable and loving hands of both Pastor Leitu and Pastor Mac as they fill in for me in my absence. Lord willing, and, “IF WE’RE STILL HERE”, I will return to the pulpit beginning with our prayer meeting on Tuesday, June 4th, which I’m really looking forward to, and as such will be so ready to come back.

This for a number of reasons not the least of which is that I love you all very much, will miss you all very much, and that I’m so profoundly privileged to be your pastor both locally and internationally, for which I thank you all so very much.

Until, jd