Prophecy Update - 2024-03-31

Everything Now Points To Jesus

March 31, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains how all that’s happening in the world now points to Jesus and the pre-tribulation rapture, then talks candidly about the unprecedented demonic division and deception in this last hour.

Prophecy Update - 2024-06-16 (with Worship)

June 16, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains why it is that in a peculiar passage, Jesus says to remember Lot’s wife when asked a prophecy question about when the end would come.

Prophecy Update - 2024-06-16

June 16, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains why it is that in a peculiar passage, Jesus says to remember Lot’s wife when asked a prophecy question about when the end would come.

Prophecy Update - 2024-06-09

June 9, 2024 • J.D. Farag

Pastor JD explains why details in scripture speak to how the pre-tribulation rapture is no longer just possible, but now most probable, given the swiftness with which everything is happening.