Sanctity of Life Sunday 2021

Psalm 25

January 24, 2021 • Dave Ross

This Sunday we pause from our study in Daniel to join with gospel minded churches across the nation in standing for the Sanctity of Life.

In 1984, eleven years after the United States Supreme Court manufactured a Constitutional right of privacy that extended to killing pre-born children in the Roe v. Wade case, President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation that established a National "Sanctity of Life Day" in the United States. That day is a time to commit to protecting human life. We stand on the Word of God to proclaim that Occoquan Bible Church is pro-life. Our Savior is the Author of Life and has made human life, from conception, in his image. Abortion is a tragic consequence of our fallen state.

In advance of our meeting this Sunday, please read Psalm 25. Consider what our God of mercy and healing has to offer those who suffer as a result of having or facilitating an abortion. Pray for our nation and a change from the anti-life position of our new administration. Pray for our state and its leaders, who take a similar position. Pray for pro-life ministries like Care Net Pregnancy Resource Centers, which offer a life-giving alternative to the abortion industry. Pray for those who have been impacted by abortion.

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor Dave Ross
1. Some churches take the position that abortion is a political, not a biblical issue. Why does OBC take the position communicated today?
2. Does the Bible directly address the issue of abortion? If so, what position does it support?
3. How should we respond to leaders that are anti-life and utilize tax dollars to pay for abortion?
4. As Christians, how should we respond to those who have had abortions or facilitated abortions?
5. We read Psalm 25 as a church family. What truths and comforts can those who have had or facilitated an abortion take from Psalm 25? From the character of our God?
6. What steps can we take as a church family to respond to the anti-life stance of our nation?
7. What steps can we take as individuals for a pro-life position?

The Image of God and the Sanctity of Life (Genesis 1:24-31)

January 23, 2022 • Ben Purves • Genesis 1:24–31

Dear Church Family, As we come upon yet another anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we cannot help but grieve at the destruction of innumerable little ones. This great evil stands in stark opposition to the sanctity of life as upheld in God’s Word. This Sunday we mark as Sanctity of Life Sunday and we will turn our attention to the foundation of this doctrine in Genesis 1 as God creates humanity in his image. I invite you to read Genesis 1:24-31 in preparation for worship, and to come gather with us this Sunday as we worship the God who has formed and made each one of us. Blessings in Christ, Pastor Ben ______________________________________________________________________________________ Discussion and Response Questions 1. When you think of abortion/infanticide, do you think of this issue merely in terms of Roe v. Wade, or have you also thought about it globally and historically? How might considering it in those ways help reframe this issue? 2. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, does this have any impact the responsibility of the saints in relationship to the sanctity of life? 3. What is the significance of mankind being created in the image of God? What is the significance of the image of God for understanding mankind’s responsibilities in creation? 4. What are implications of the image of God for how we relate to other image-bearers? 5. What happens to the image of God in the fall? 6. What does it mean that Jesus is the true image of God? (2 Cor 4:4; Col 1:15; Heb 1:3) 7. What impact does the gospel and our salvation have on our identity as image-bearers? (Col 3:10; 2 Cor 3:18) 8. How should we respond to God’s creation of us as image-bearers? (Gen 1, Ps 139) 9. What are some practical ways that you might uphold the sanctity of life?

The Sanctity of Life as a Public Spiritual Discipline (Psalm 139)

January 17, 2016 • David Schrock

Exchanging Darkness for Light and Speaking Light to Darkness

January 12, 2020 • David Schrock • Isaiah 5:20

Sanctity of Life Sunday