
Get Off Your High Horse

April 2, 2023 • Luke Edgerton • John 12

For better or for worse, your family of origin and its unique circumstances formed for you a perception of Jesus. As to whether that perception is something that brings you life and freedom, or something that brings you pain and heartache, is something different entirely.

The Israelites awaiting Jesus’ decent from the Mount of Olives, on what is now known as Palm Sunday, had a perception of Jesus based on their own origin story and their unique circumstances at that time.

The expectations they placed on the Messiah were, well…off. Way off.

Palm Sunday invites us to discover that the closer we come to the presence of Jesus, the further He distances us from our presumptions of Him.

Can you imagine how it might feel to discover that Jesus never abused His power? Never manipulated His followers? Never gas-lighted His friends?

It feels like freedom. Freedom from my presumptions of Jesus. Freedom to let Jesus be Himself. Freedom to know you are loved by Him.

There’s a lot more to Palm Sunday than you might think.

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