How to build your faith.
Pastor Ryan looks at criticism and its value from a Biblical perspective.
Pastor Ryan shares his favorite Psalm and looks at the directional places Jesus can bring us out and bring us home.
Pastor Ryan looks at the difference between what happens under the sun compared to the life that is lived “above the sun"
Pastor Ryan looks to the ancients on why they became full-blown idolaters- because they were unthankful!
Pastor Ryan looks at the Guilt Offering in Leviticus and compares it to how much God does for us in Romans 5.
Pastor Ryan looks at the life of Solomon and shows the similarities of our pursuits compared to pursuing God.
Pastor Ryan looks at a famous passage and discusses what we should know as Christians.
Pastor Ryan looks at Ezekiel 38-39 and gives an introduction to a massive battle, seemingly between the world and Israel.
Walking with Jesus, growing in His Word, and being involved in His work will produce thankfulness. The obverse is also true.
Pastor Ryan discusses what God can make new here on Earth.