"Green Seeds" Envy & Doubt

Psalm 73

September 9, 2018 • Pastor Seth

Dealing with doubt, wrestle it out... be found in the place of God, in Christ Jesus...

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"Cave Songs"

September 30, 2018 • Pastor Seth

Desperation can be dark place, no one wants to be in the dark alone. But it's there, in that darkness when God is all you have, you can then realize God is all you NEED. Jesus is the great friend who is always there, never leaves us out in the lurch. He is our source of light, joy, & comfort... even in the midst of the uncomfortable. It's there in the darkness that David sang this Cave Song to Jesus. May our prayers be a sweet song to the Lord every time we pray!

Where Do We Dwell

September 16, 2018

"The Continuing Well"

September 2, 2018 • Pastor Seth

God’s way to grow old is to develop a walk with Him now, & Continue Well If you are not becoming a person of faith now, you will not be a person of faith then. You will be then what you are becoming now.