
New Year: Stand Up for Righteousness - Part 1

November 28, 2021 • Elias Ozuna • Psalm 106:3, 1 Peter 3:14, Matthew 6:33, Acts 5:28–39

Main Point: The church must stand up for righteousness. A church that stands up for righteousness will be instruments of God’s power.

Foundation Scripture:  Acts 5:28-39.

Peter chose to obey God not man. Peter trusted God.

Gamaliel’s advice to the religious leader was to let Peter go and let God deal with them. If they are of God, nothing can stop them.

Scriptures about Righteousness bringing blessings:

Psalm 106:3. Blessed are those that observe righteousness.

1 Peter 3:14. Even if we suffer for righteousness, do not fear, you will be blessed.

Matthew 6:33. Seek first God’s righteousness and blessings will follow.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

Salvation comes from faith (followed by actions) that show we have accepted the death and resurrection of Christ as our salvation.

So why should we live right and do right if these actions don’t save us? Because if you Love God you will have a passion for righteous. 

What the church needs at this time is to stand up for righteousness so that God can begin to bless and empower the church.

Standing up for what is right, according to God’s word is not easy. 

It is getting harder and harder for Christians to even speak about sin without offending people. 

But church, we must stand up for righteousness, according to God’s word.

Here are some examples on what the world considers ok, but that is not ok/righteous according to God’s word.


Sexual Intimacy outside of marriage







It is time for the church to stand up for righteousness. 

What the bible says is clearly unrighteous or sin, is not up for debate. 

Even though society will pressure the church to accept sin or compromise with sin, the church must stand up for righteousness according to God’s word.