Letting Judas Hold the Purse


July 16, 2022 • Bill Cloud • Numbers 22:2—25:9, Proverbs 1:10–16, John 12:1–7, Matthew 23:37–38, Numbers 24:5–6

In this portion, we see how the Creator knew what was in Balaam's heart even as he feigned being a servant of the most high, but He still chose to give him an opportunity to do that which was right. In the New Testament, we see Him give Judas a similar opportunity; however, both of these men were not willing to do the Father's will and instead, chose their own way. In Matthew 23:37-38, the Messiah says, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! See! Your house is left to you desolate." In other words, had they been willing, He would have gathered them. Had Judas been willing, He could have been saved. Had Balaam heeded the warnings, things would have been different. As a person, you are being tried in certain situations; your response may determine the future for yourself and others.

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Crossing Over | John Holsti | Jacobs Tent

June 22, 2024 • John Holsti

Join us for our Shabbat service with John Holsti and the Jacob's Tent Family! If you are enjoying this live stream, PLEASE consider sending in an offering, tithe, or donation to help us continue spread the gospel free from Jacob's Tent.  We work hard to make sure this is an enjoyable experience to our online community, but it doesn't come without a price. Give online via the Jacobs Tent app, our website, or text any amount to 84321 to support this ministry. Yahweh bless you and keep you! Shalom. Stay Connected Linktree: https://linktr.ee/jacobstent Website: https://jacobstent.org

Play Your Position

June 8, 2024 • Bill Cloud

B’midbar Numbers 1:1 — 4:20 Play Your Position Join us for our Shabbat service with Bill Cloud and the Jacob's Tent Family! If you are enjoying this live stream, PLEASE consider sending in an offering, tithe, or donation to help us continue spread the gospel free from Jacob's Tent. We work hard to make sure this is an enjoyable experience to our online community, but it doesn't come without a price. Give online via the Jacobs Tent app, our website, or text any amount to 84321 to support this ministry. Yahweh bless you and keep you! Shalom.

By My Regulations

June 1, 2024 • Stephen Lane • Leviticus 26:3—27:34

B'chukkotai Leviticus 26:3 – 27:34 By My Regulations Join us for our Shabbat service with Stephen Lane and the Jacob's Tent Family! If you are enjoying this live stream, PLEASE consider sending in an offering, tithe, or donation to help us continue spread the gospel free from Jacob's Tent. We work hard to make sure this is an enjoyable experience to our online community, but it doesn't come without a price. Give online via the Jacobs Tent app, our website, or text any amount to 84321 to support this ministry. Yahweh bless you and keep you! Shalom.