
Priceless | Jacobs Quiver

Jacobs Quiver

April 8, 2023 • Jacobs Quiver, Dance Team

Join us for a presentation by our Jacobs Quiver youth to the song "Priceless" by For KING and COUNTRY.

If you are enjoying this presentation, PLEASE consider sending in an offering, tithe, or donation to help us continue spread the gospel free from Jacob's Tent. We work hard to make sure this is an enjoyable experience to our online community, but it doesn't come without a price.

Give online via the Jacobs Tent app, our website, or text any amount to 84321 to support this ministry. Yahweh bless you and keep you! Shalom.

Passover Seder Live

April 5, 2023 • Bill Cloud

Join us live for our Passover Seder. We would love to have your family join ours! If you are enjoying this live stream, PLEASE consider sending in an offering, tithe, or donation to help us continue spread the gospel free from Jacob's Tent. We work hard to make sure this is an enjoyable experience to our online community, but it doesn't come without a price. Give online via the Jacobs Tent app, our website, or text any amount to 84321 to support this ministry. Yahweh bless you and keep you! Shalom.

Gird Up Your Loins

April 6, 2023 • Bill Cloud • Numbers 28:16–18, Leviticus 23:6–8, Exodus 12:15, Exodus 12:16–17, Job 38:1–3

This week we congregate to acknowledge the command given to us in regard to the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Chametz (yeast) is to be removed from the congregation which is called to be holy. Tradition doesn’t allow for the smallest amount of chametz to remain at Passover. Just as we remove it from our homes and lives, we also must remove it from the Body. Whether in a person’s life or in a congregation, sin must be dealt with properly so we can hear from Him clearly. It cannot be excused, overlooked, or swept under the rug. In Job 38:1-3, when Job was confronted with the circumstances of his life the Father told him to “prepare yourself” (gird up your loins) because he was about to put him to a task that would require all of his ability. In conjunction with the removal of leaven, the Almighty emphasized on the first day of unleavened bread, when He brought His people out of Egypt, that they had to eat in hast and with their loins girded. Meaning, to be ready at a moments notice with nothing in our lives that could keep us from hearing His call with clarity. If you are enjoying this live stream, PLEASE consider sending in an offering, tithe, or donation to help us continue spread the gospel free from Jacob's Tent. We work hard to make sure this is an enjoyable experience to our online community, but it doesn't come without a price. Give online via the Jacobs Tent app, our website, or text any amount to 84321 to support this ministry. Yahweh bless you and keep you! Shalom.

The Price of Redemption

April 6, 2023 • Bill Cloud • Luke 21:25–28, Genesis 4:3–8, Genesis 15:12–18, Numbers 33:3–4

Redemption has a price tag. For Israel to be redeemed, someone had to die. We see in Numbers 33:3-4 that Israel went out with boldness because their enemies had been vanquished. At the same time, their enemies were in deep mourning with the loss of their firstborn. We must recognize that redemption typically intersects with testing, trials and judgement. We will always have those that the enemy will use to challenge us and even at times try to detour us from the task the Father has us to accomplish. It has been that way, and it will be that way to the very end. Many of the tests we are all going through are conditioning us for others to come. Rather live in the dread of the testing, be confident of the deliverance. The price tag of our redemption is our faithfulness. We are here to sanctify His name. He has given us life and the opportunity to do so. If you are enjoying this live stream, PLEASE consider sending in an offering, tithe, or donation to help us continue spread the gospel free from Jacob's Tent. We work hard to make sure this is an enjoyable experience to our online community, but it doesn't come without a price. Give online via the Jacobs Tent app, our website, or text any amount to 84321 to support this ministry. Yahweh bless you and keep you! Shalom.