### This is an intro to all our Q & A event videos.
Power of Sin is Growing
May 27, 2020 • Mike Honeycutt
#### Question:
##### "The power of sin seems to be growing... Abortion, sex trafficking, etc... How can churches and believers stand by and let it happen? What can we do?"
##### Answered by: **Mike Honeycutt**
Baptism in Obedience
May 27, 2020 • Joseph Keith
#### Question:
##### "If baptism is in obedience to God, where in the Bible are we commanded to do it?"
##### Answered by: **Joseph Keith**
Jesus' Miracles
May 27, 2020 • Sam Newell
#### Question:
##### "How did Jesus walk on water and how did He turn water into wine?"
##### Answered by: **Sam Newell**
Are Evil Thoughts Satanic?
May 27, 2020 • Mike Keith
#### Question:
##### "In John, it says that the Devil planted an evil thought in Judas' heart. Can we assume all evil thoughts are satanic?"
##### Answered by: **Mike Keith**
Neanderthals & Creation
May 27, 2020 • Lee Woody
#### Question:
##### "I have always believed the young earth model of creation, but recent science and genealogy has made me question whether the two creation stories represent different times (where God made "man" - neanderthals and later "His" people)?"
##### Answered by: **Lee Woody**
Do Babies Go To Heaven?
May 27, 2020 • Ford Rathbun
#### Question:
##### "Do babies go to Heaven if they are sinners at birth?"
##### Answered by: **Ford Rathbun**
May 27, 2020 • Elders
#### Question:
##### "What is the church's view on predestination? Please explain predestination (Romans 8:29-30.) Is everyone predestined? Paul says "those whom He foreknew." Does that imply that some were not?"
##### Answered by: **Lee Woody, Sam Newell, Joseph Keith, Mike Keith, Mike Honeycutt, Ford Rathbun**
End Times
June 10, 2020 • Mike Keith
#### Question:
##### "End Times theological views are interesting to me and it affects how we live in the present. What is the prevalent thought process for the Rapture among church elders -- Pre-Tribulation, Post Tribulation -- and what is your view of the Millennium?"
##### Answered by: **Mike Keith**