Last year, we began something called Discipleship Groups with our youth. We encourage youth who would like to go deeper in a study and grow in their walks with Christ together to opt in to Discipleship Groups by turning in an application form. After we have received a few applications (girls with girls and boys with boys), we will hook them up with a discipleship group leader. This adult may or may not be a youth leader but will be screened and approved. The adult will meet with a small group of youth on a weekly or biweekly basis all year (or potentially longer). We already have one boys' group meeting and we'd love to start up a girls' one and a second boys'. We will be sharing about this opportunity with the youth at youth group and handing out application forms to any who are interested. If your youth decides to look into this, we will be asking for your blessing and permission to allow him/her into a group.

Youth Discipleship Small Groups
Request to join a group!