
Richard & Taran Schilg

Hurting physically and emotionally after a miscarriage, Taran came to Faith Life Church one morning feeling as though she should ask Pastor Drenda to pray for her. Pastor Drenda prayed, “Double recompense for all you’ve lost.” Taran immediately resonated with the prayer. Listen as Richard and Taran share how God answered that prayer.

Christine Bomlitz

Christine attended the Kingdom Principles small group at Faith Life Church. In the class, she learned that God is a healer. After wearing hearing aids for a long time, God healed Christine. Listen to Christine tell the story of her miracle.

Elijah Doyle

Elijah went on Faith Life Church’s mission trip to Peru. During worship one morning, Elijah had a vision of a man on crutches. Elijah knew that Jesus has the power to heal paralysis. As the team went out to minister that day, Elijah saw a man with crutches. Check out his story of faith, healing, and hope! God wants our hands to heal and bring hope to hurting hearts.

Haley Klass

As a senior at the Ohio State University School of Business, Haley was feeling the pressure to find a job. Despite talking with recruiters and sending out resumes, the doors just weren’t opening. Then, Haley and her husband listened to Pastor Gary’s message, “The Power of Promise”. Check out how God taught the Klaas family to renew their minds and brought forth the promise!

Brock & Lindsay Walden

As Lindsay struggled with postpartum depression, the Waldens knew it was time to truly get connected at Faith Life Church. Through Kingdom Track, they gained an understanding of their personalities and discovered their spiritual giftings. Listen as they share what the power of connection did for their lives as well as what it can do for yours!

Aaron & Adrienne Ward

Aaron spent many years in the military and had been deployed 20 times. On his last trip, he suffered a brain injury. Dealing with PSTD, Aaron was struggling with anger and connecting with his family. The Wards knew that there was an answer to bring healing and wholeness to their souls and family. God led the Wards to Faith Life Church. Listen to Aaron and Adrienne share how God used Pastor Gary’s teachings to help them live the good life—together as a family.

Bill & April Dempsey

After listening to one of Pastor Gary’s messages, Bill and April came home and felt like it was time for them to sell their home. Backed by what God said, they sowed a seed of faith and continued forward to sell their home. Listen to this testimony as Bill and April share how they not only sold their house for $91,000 over their asking price but also got the beach condo of their dreams through faith and trust in God.

Tony and Liz

After receiving plenty of words that they were going to be blessed with children, but not seeing the manifestation as the years passed, they started to waver and eventually lost hope of ever conceiving. Tony and Liz realized that God’s Word is available to everyone, so they pressed in. Listen to their testimony as Tony and Liz share their faith journey to receiving their miracle baby.

Emmanuel and Sumera

Married for six years, Emmanuel and Sumera had yet to have children. After being diagnosed with a large fibroid in her uterus, Sumera and her husband were hit with the idea of not having children naturally. Sumera wanted her own children and knew that God would provide through faith and healing. Listen to this powerful testimony as Emmanuel and Sumera share their healing miracle and how they received their baby.

Robert Story

Loosely growing up in church, Robert fell out of faith in his early 20s. After years of living without God, he found himself in many unideal situations. Dealing with loneliness, depression, and thoughts of suicide, Robert was at the end of his rope. After meeting someone from Faith Life Church in a coffee shop on a whim one day, it opened a door to something Robert had walked away from a decade before. Listen to this testimony as Robert talks about how when he actually answered God’s knocking, it completely changed his life.

Cindy Smith

Hearing about the Kingdom, Cindy started seeing and understanding how everything connected and operated in Christ. With this knowledge, she decided to start using the law of sowing and reaping in her and her family’s lives and to start putting the Kingdom principles to work. Listen to this testimony as Cindy shares how, through her faith and sowing, she was able to reap everything that she had asked for.

Karen K

In 2017, Karen’s husband of 42 years broke the news that he and Karen were bankrupt. Penniless and not sure what to do, a friend of Karen’s invited her to one of Pastor Gary’s seminars in Chicago. After pushing off the idea of going, two days before the seminar, Karen decided to go, and her life was changed for the better. Listen in on this testimony as Karen shares how she went from being a Catholic to pressing into the Lord to save her in the area of finances.

Dan & Lori

On the brink of a broken marriage, it was either letting it fall apart or fixing it. Dan and Lori decided to give it one last shot and went to Faith Life Church for a Christmas Eve service in 2018. Listen in as Dan and Lori share their story of going from being broken to their marriage being restored as well as healing throughout their lives.

Michael Scott

Once Michael and his wife started applying the Kingdom principles to their lives, they knew they needed to go up a notch and really see God provide. Listen to this amazing testimony as Michael talks about how after putting the principles of God in place, he and his wife went from making $30,000 a year to well over $100,000.

John & Judy

Being to the point that they were stripping copper to try and make a few extra dollars, John and Judy knew this was not how they wanted to live the rest of their lives. They wanted things to change. Listen to their testimony as John and his wife, Judy, talk about how they knew God had more for them and how they went from being in debt to COMPLETELY debt free through Christ.