Elijah & Kirsten McKinney

Don’t Compromise

With only a few months until their apartment lease ran out, newlyweds Elijah and Kirsten needed to make a decision. Renew the lease or buy a house? They began to use Kingdom principles to search for their dream fixer-upper. Under a time crunch, they found a house that almost matched their list. Listen as Elijah and Kirsten share their story of uncompromising faith. As Kirsten said, “I’ve grown up hearing the Kingdom, but it’s different when you’re hearing it on Sunday and actually applying it to your life.”

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Hurting physically and emotionally after a miscarriage, Taran came to Faith Life Church one morning feeling as though she should ask Pastor Drenda to pray for her. Pastor Drenda prayed, “Double recompense for all you’ve lost.” Taran immediately resonated with the prayer. Listen as Richard and Taran share how God answered that prayer.

Christine Bomlitz

Christine attended the Kingdom Principles small group at Faith Life Church. In the class, she learned that God is a healer. After wearing hearing aids for a long time, God healed Christine. Listen to Christine tell the story of her miracle.

Elijah Doyle

Elijah went on Faith Life Church’s mission trip to Peru. During worship one morning, Elijah had a vision of a man on crutches. Elijah knew that Jesus has the power to heal paralysis. As the team went out to minister that day, Elijah saw a man with crutches. Check out his story of faith, healing, and hope! God wants our hands to heal and bring hope to hurting hearts.